Monday 10 December 2012


Depends on what you are looking for and the country that your are planning on schooling, scholarships are available. Either from the Government or from International Foundations. Every year the Nigerian Government partners with embassies of different countries to give out scholarships to Nigerian Students to grant them the privilege of expanding their horizons, encourage academic excellence and help the masses who have ambitions to further their education but cannot because of the financial intricacies. 
Cyruxsolutions has conducted background research and gone an extra mile to provide these information for the following reasons 
    • Promoting excellence
    • To make higher education more accessible to the less privileged and yet brilliant students who would not have been able to afford the acquisition of such education. 
    • To augment the normal education and manpower development for high level manpower needs. 
    • To reward, promote and encourage academic achievement and excellence.
    • To enhance persistence or retention in schools. 
    • To equalize or balance educational opportunities.
    • To promote attainment of educational and national and international goals


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